Monday, October 8, 2007

Time goes by so fast

I don't know how it has been 3 months but it has flown by. How did it all pass by so quickly. 3 months!!!
I think the reason i have been avoiding this is because it didn't know where to start. There has been so much. This summer was........ amazing, a growing experience, and a time of adventure, change and reflexion.

It is amazing how things work out hey? What seemed like the end of the world 3 months ago is now, after random twists and turns, so much better that I thought could ever happen. Im so lucky and can never really grasp why or how I got here to this point but it is crazy how life just keeps moving even if you think it has stopped. Something or one out there doesn't let you just sit there and actually press pause. It just keeps going with or without you. And that is kinda comforting. IF YOU DON'T LIKE TODAY WAIT FOR TOMORROW!

I am so ready and excited for the future. Friends, Family, Exploring, Learning, and Feeling!
I want to experience it all. This is are time on this planet and honestly we don't get long so lets get everything we can from it. From the warmth of another to the raindrops on my nose!

Friends are amazing and we are so lucky to be able to experience relationships and feelings to the extent that we do.

There is so many moments that have passed lately that I want to share and update this blog with but I would have to write a novel so I want to just leave some photos that speak for themselves. These are some moments I 'll never forget. Thanks for the great times!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

No Happy Ending

I don't know whats happening.
Chest hurts, I can't find enough air.
The room is shaking,
and I can't hold myself up.
Through blurry eyes the world spins.
I reach out to grab your hand to find
comfort and stroke that familiar scar
but its not there.
I hear your voice and I seem ok.
But I'm not.
There is a hole that only you can fill.
I'll never regret that time.
You are so much apart of me.
Did I tell you how wonderful you
are enough? That you deserve the
best out there.
I feel lost. Where do I go?
What do I do? Why am I alone?
I can't believe that story is done.

Driving on the highway tears start to flood.......

This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.

Wake up in the morning, stumble on my life
Can't get no love without sacrifice
If anything should happen, I guess I wish you well
A little bit of heaven, but a little bit of hell

This is the hardest story that I've ever told
No hope, or love, or glory
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I'm wastin'
And I'm wastin' everyday

2 o'clock in the morning, something's on my mind
Can't get no rest; keep walkin' around
If I pretend that nothin' ever went wrong, I can get to my sleep
I can think that we just carried on

This is the hardest story that I've ever told
No hope, or love, or glory
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I feel as if I'm wastin'
And I'm wastin' everyday

This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.
-Happy Ending MIKA

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Grande Prairie


Well I just finished eating a mouth-watering bbq meal and am so full that I can barely make it to my room. So I figured it would be a good time to update. It's been a while. Lots has happened. Its good to be home seeing old friends and comforting places. Well where to start?
The trip back was long......but good. We made good time and stopped for a couple of nights in Edmonton and chilled with Kels and Amanda. Good times there reuniting over yummy food and booze.
Next was 2 week of settling in and jumping right back in to the dance studio here. I helped with dress rehearsal and pictures and worked backstage for their 4 year end shows. they also asked me to perform two solos in the shows so that was awesome. That kept me very busy and I loved it. It was good to see all my old dancer friends.
Next was my brothers grad. I can't believe my baby bro is done! It makes me feel so old! While it was lots of fun to see him get all fancied up in his tux and his cap and grad. He was quite good looking. The best of the crowd in my thoughts!
then I started working as a office girl at a doctors office.
Thats pretty slack! So its a good summer job. Just filing, bank runs and phones.
I also got my photographing job back. I haven't started that yet. Next week!
And in two weeks I start teaching dance summer school! Its 5 or 6 days a week! I'm teaching Hip hop, Stretch and cardio, Modern and Jazz. It should be lots of fun. I can't wait!!!
Other than that I'm just relaxing with the fam, drinking and dancing with friends,CAMPING LOTS and enjoying the sun. I miss all you island peeps sooooooooooooo much and can't wait to come back. I hope you are all having a blast on that beautiful chunk of land you live on!
Sending love and hugs!!!!!

Me and my handsome Bro!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

So this is it. My last night on the island. How can i
leave.......... look at this. It's gorgeous! And right out
my back door. All I can say is it's gonna be a long 2
and a half months away. I am counting down the days
till I''m back. I love it here. It's been an incredible year.
My leaving is kinda bittersweet though because
it will be good to see my family.
Its my brothers grad next weekend and also my dance
studios year end recital so I will get to see all my old
students and work back stage with them! YAAAHHH!
I miss them all so much and it will be exciting to see how
much they have grown over the year. I also got a job at
a eye doctors office! And i hope to pick up extra shifts
at my old photography job. And I'm the guest dance
teacher at Dans Connection's Summer School. And
I'm a bridesmaid for my friend Danae's wedding!
So I shall be very busy this summer but that
will make the time fly by b4 I return to this beautiful
island. SO I'm off to red neck ville tomorrow!
Have a great summer guys! Love ya xoxox

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hey You!

Well I don't know what to say.
I fucked up! You know who you are.
I sent you mixed signals
and played with your mind. I did like
you a lot but i was just confused and
in a spot in my life were i didn't know
what i wanted. I hadn't been single in
a long time and I felt the need to just have
fun not realizing the consequences would
hurt you. It was selfish and I honestly
didn't mean to hurt you. I wanted to let lose
and live never thinking about the others
involved. I'm so sorry and know that I
did really enjoy our chats and time together.
You are amazing and I hope we can
chill in the future.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! What a beautiful sight! My first( of many) camping trips of the year.
What a perfect way to start out the season. Not to cold, nice and relaxin and full of crazy times! The adventure began with me packing up the car and heading out to what i thought was an easy find campsite. Not quite true. I ended up lost on some random dirt road in the pitch black with no cell service. So because I have seen way to many horror movies for my own good I started to panic and was convinced that I was the next damsel in distress who was about to have her tires slashed and be carried away to have my finger bit off. Crazy I know! Those damn movie nights at Spencers. Well after what seemed like forever i finally met up with ky and maddie and they guided me the safety of the campfire.
Our next chapter was maddie and I's dymanic duo tent set-up in the dark. It was tricky but with the help of gregories light holding skills we finished with no big complications other than a sticky zipper and a lost fly. In the end we had a warm double bed with a beautiful orange tarp to act as a fly and help us locate our tent in the dark. So with our tent set up we were ready to party.

Biff almost too excited bout his
handcrafted dog stick

The next 48 are a blur of laying in the sun, hot dogs, marshmallows, Ciesta 1pm, booze(lots of booze) pee-parades, birds, biff's epic music set-up, TEA, more booze, Lunch lady land, getting lost in the bush, losing my hat, snuggling with maddie, chilling by the fire, good conversations and all in all GOOD TIMES!!

Thanks for an awesome camping trip guys!
Here to many more crazy times in the bush!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Mosquito's Tweeter

A new place, a new studio and new faces.
Different crowd, different waiting room,
different backstage traditions, different vibe,
and different pieces to make up one movement!
So unsure of my new surroundings at first.
Where was the amazing group i had for 13 years before?
We knew how to read each other, de-stress each other and work
with each other like that back of our hands. You knew everything
about me. I have slowly learned this year that although i had the time
of my life dancing with my old team,
its not who your dancing with but
how your growing and expanding as a dancer yourself.
I really had a chance this year with a new studio to realize
how much i love dancing and what i was really willing
to do to keep on dancing. Dancing means the world to me.
This new group forced me to get over my myself
and fight for my spotlight.
I loved dancing with you guys this year,
thanks so much for sharing the stage with me