Monday, October 8, 2007

Time goes by so fast

I don't know how it has been 3 months but it has flown by. How did it all pass by so quickly. 3 months!!!
I think the reason i have been avoiding this is because it didn't know where to start. There has been so much. This summer was........ amazing, a growing experience, and a time of adventure, change and reflexion.

It is amazing how things work out hey? What seemed like the end of the world 3 months ago is now, after random twists and turns, so much better that I thought could ever happen. Im so lucky and can never really grasp why or how I got here to this point but it is crazy how life just keeps moving even if you think it has stopped. Something or one out there doesn't let you just sit there and actually press pause. It just keeps going with or without you. And that is kinda comforting. IF YOU DON'T LIKE TODAY WAIT FOR TOMORROW!

I am so ready and excited for the future. Friends, Family, Exploring, Learning, and Feeling!
I want to experience it all. This is are time on this planet and honestly we don't get long so lets get everything we can from it. From the warmth of another to the raindrops on my nose!

Friends are amazing and we are so lucky to be able to experience relationships and feelings to the extent that we do.

There is so many moments that have passed lately that I want to share and update this blog with but I would have to write a novel so I want to just leave some photos that speak for themselves. These are some moments I 'll never forget. Thanks for the great times!!!

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